2 months ago
oh no! The Oziversary has been Taken Over!
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If you fail to answer Dorothy's call for help then I'm afraid, poor soul, that the Witch already has her claws sunk deep into your heart and you are beyond any help I can offer you - but those still pure of heart listen well.
After one glorious year filled with happiness and golden sunshine, a cloud of gloom is descending over Oz. From Munchkin Land to the great City of Emerald itself plans were being made for a glorious celebration to mark the one year anniversary of Magic of Oz and the good fortune the fair Candy and the gallant Malk have brought to the land. However, the Wicked Witch caught wind of the plans and is now meaning to hijack the celebration, steal all the anniversary gifts for herself, and allow only the flying monkeys to dance at the balls!
We need your help to save the Oziversary Celebration! Starting Monday, October 12th, citizens and friends of Oz alike will join forces to defeat The Witch's evil plans! 21 merchants of Oz have made gifts for those brave enough to battle The Witch. Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, has learned that The Witch intends to capture the Silver Slippers and thus take control of the celebration. Glinda has made an infinite number of copies of the Silver Slippers to hide all over the Magic of Oz sim in order to confuse The Witch.
The fake slippers are of no use to The Witch but if you find a fake pair of slippers and follow the directions hidden in them, Glinda will reward you for helping to increase the Wicked Witch's confusion! The Silver Slipper Hunt will run for the duration of the Oziversary celebration, October 12-18, so be sure to find some time to come and help confuse The Witch.
In addition to the Silver Slipper Hunt, there will also be a photo contest, fishing contests with unique items to find and lindens to win, and dancing, dancing, dancing! More information to follow in subsequent posts, but remember Oz is counting on you! Mark your calendars, The Silver Slipper Hunt starts on Monday, October 12 at the Magic of Oz sim! Come and defend Oz from the plots and schemes of The Witch!
Catch a Ride to the Magic of Oz!

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